The Missing Period in Cantonese Cinema (1949-1969)

Displaying results 1 - 36 of 36
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
一對好冤家 Lover's Quarrels
人海雙雛 All Minds to Give
傻偵探 False Alarm
初為人母 Young Mother
十大姐 Ten Schoolgirls
合歡歌舞慶華年 Joy of Music
四姊妹 Four Sisters
大富之家 A Sorrowful Millionaire
天涯芳草 The Forbidden Love
太太緝私團 Inspectress General
夫妻的秘密 Secrets Between Husband and Wife
女殺手 Lady Bond
女殺手虎穴救孤兒 Return of Lady Bond
女賊金蝴蝶 Golden Butterfly, the Lady Thief
學生王子 The Student Prince
小姐的丈夫 Lady's Husband
工廠皇后 Three Love Affairs
斷腸玫瑰 The Broken Heart
樓上樓下兩相親 The Affairs of Two Families
歷劫親情 Forsaken Daughter
火燄山 The Flaming Mountain
無敵鴛鴦劍 The Invincible Yuanyang Sword
神秘的兇手 The Mysterious Murderer
粉紅色炸彈 Pink Bomb
綽頭世界 A Gimmicky World
自君別後 Since He Went Away
苦命鴛鴦 Bitter Romance
苦鳳還巢 The Saddest Misunderstanding
血手套 Bloody Gloves
都市兩女性 Two City Girls
阿珍要嫁人 Landlady and Tenant
難為了嬌妻 One Good Turn Deserves Another
難為了家嫂 Farming is My Profession
電梯情殺案 The Elevator Murder Case
黑夜怪談 Creepy Nights
點心皇后 Queen of the Tea House