The Missing Period in Cantonese Cinema (1949-1969)

Displaying results 1 - 50 of 79
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
七彩蝴蝶精 The Butterfly Spirit (Colour)
三十年胭脂淚 Last Minute
三審玉堂春 The Three Trials of Yuk Tong Chun
仙鶴神童救母斬蛟龍 How the Magic Boy on the Mythical Crane Slew the Dragon and Saved His Mother
刁蠻郡主戲玉郎 The Unruly Princess and Her Lover
刮龍世界 Take What You Can
化骨神龍劍 The Magic Dragon Wword
南海拳王 The Boxer from Nanhai
夜吊秋喜 Paying Nocturnal Sacrifice to Chau-hei
夜弔秋喜 Paying Nocturnal Sacrifice to Chau-hei
大四喜 Full Happiness
天雷劈棺生鬼仔 The Heir
失去母愛的人 A Child in Need of a Mother's Love
孫悟空大鬧雷音寺 Monkey Saint Raids the Monastery
孫悟空鬧龍宮 The Monkey King Stormed the Sea Palace
安祿山夜祭貴妃墳 On Luk-shan Pays Nocturnal Sacrifice to Imperial Concubine Yeung's Tomb
寶蓮燈 (上集) The Precious Lotus Lamp, Part One
巧破箱屍案 There's a Dead Body in the Case
廣東順母橋 Filial Son's Bridge in Guangdong
得咗 Sun Ma Tsai Scores
拉車行大運 Rickshaw Puller and Orphan
搏命世界 A Tough World
搶食世界 Daily Bread
撲水世界 Take the Money and Run
新馬仔拍拖被辱 Adventures of Sun Ma Chai
春色滿璇宮 Never Give Up
望夫山上望夫歸 On the Hill of the Waiting Wife She Awaits her Husband's Return
望娘灘 A Waiting Mother to Return on the Beach
楊八姐鬧金鑾 Sister Yeung
歌唱郎歸晚 The Husband's Belated Return
火燒紫凌宮 Gone with the Flame
烈女報夫仇 A Brave Girl Avenges Her Husband's Death
無頭東宮救太子 (三集) The Headless Queen Rescues the Prince, Part Three
無頭東宮生太子 (三集) The Headless Queen Bears a Son, Part Three
無頭東宮生太子 (上集) The Headless Queen Bears a Son, Part Two
無頭東宮生太子 (下集) The Headless Queen Bears a Son, Part Two
狀元巧破蜜蜂計 Operation Bees
狂風暴雨吊寒梅 Mourn for the Storm-beaten Plum Flower
狐仙奇緣 The Strange Fox
王昭君琵琶動漢皇 Wang Zhaojun's Lute Song Touches the Emperor of Han
瘋狂尋金記 Rush for Gold
白骨魔鞭 Days of Horror
皇城救母定江山 The Wall
皇陵會愛妻 Meeting My Darling Wife in the Crypt
真假猴王鬥八仙 The Genuine and Fake Monkey King Fights the Eight Immortals
矇查查搵老婆 Finding a Wife in a Blind Way
矇查查搵食 Making a Living in a Blind Way
碧玉簪 The Green Jade Hairpin
紅孩兒水晶宮救母 How Red Kid Rescued His Mother from the Crystal Palace
紅拂女私奔 Lady Red-Broom Elopes