The Missing Period in Cantonese Cinema (1949-1969)

Displaying results 1 - 50 of 91
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
妹仔王掛帥平西 Mui Chaye General
掃把精 The Broom Spirit
墓美人火燒棺材精 (下集) The Tomb Beauty Sets Fire to the Coffin Spirit, Part Two
神眼東宮認太子 (上集) The Magic-eyed Queen Spots the Prince, Part One
神眼東宮認太子 (下集) The Magic-eyed Queen Spots the Prince, the Concluding Episode
金麒麟五福臨門 Five Children at One Brith
紥脚樊梨花 Fan Lei-fa
猩猩女飛馬斬魔龍 (上集) Daughter of King Kong, Part One
猩猩女飛馬斬魔龍 (下集) Daughter of King Kong, Concluding Episode
樊梨花掛帥罪子 Fan Lei-fa and Her Adopted Son
飛龍太子劈石救銀妃 Prince Flying Dragon
扎腳十三妹大鬧能仁寺 Riot in the Temple
十三妹金殿賣人頭 Riot in the Temple, Part Two
節婦斬情夫 A Chaste Widow's Grievance
七兒八女九狀詞 Fifteen Children
神鷹飛天俠 The Eagle Knight and the Crimson Girl
七彩金葉菊 Golden Chrysanthemum
女黑俠飛鵝嶺救夫 Adventure of Black Heroine
女飛俠紅姑 Crimson Girl
富貴花開鳳凰臺 New Year's Greetings
十年割肉養金龍 Prince Tailone
無頭正宮教子鬧金鑾 Riot in the Palace
野龍怒碎金蛇塔 Pagoda of Golden Snake
無頭女賣頭尋夫 A Pretended Ghost
神蛇飛虎救正宮 Holy Snake and Flying Tiger
金鳳斬蛟龍 Seven Phoenixes
花蝴蝶三氣飛天貓 Beautiful Butterfly
八美審狀元 Eight Beauty
沉香太子毒龍潭救母 (上集) How Prince Chen Xiang Rescued His Mother from the Drean Lake, Part One
沉香太子毒龍潭救母 (下集) How Prince Chen Xiang Rescued His Mother from the Drean Lake, Part Two
金鳳銀龍雙掛帥 Love and War
望兒樓 Watch Tower
金鐧怒碎銀安殿 Uproar in the Palace
平陽宮主替子受斬刑 Princess Ping Yang
羅成叫關 Law Shing at the Gate
哪吒劈天救母 How Na Zha Shattered Heaven to Save His Mother
薛門七女將 Seven Woman Generals
哪吒三鬥紅孩兒 Nazha and Crimson Child
飛天雷震子 The Flying Hero Lui Chen-tsi
望夫亭 Awaiting the Husband to Return on a Pavilion
神眼娥眉尋太子 The Queen and the Prince
雙太子飛渡雁門關 The Two Princes' Passage Through the Wild Goose Gate
七鳳鬥魔龍 The Battle Between the Seven Phoenixes and the Dragon
七手八臂觀世音 Goddess of Mercy
玉龍太子出家 Asalea Tomb
豹山神鶴劍 Holy Stork Sword
二郎神楊戩 Wonderful Foreteller
白猿太子陰陽崖會母 Prince White Ape
兩個東宮爭太子 The Prince and Two Queens
龍虎三女霸 (上集) Pledge of the Twin Blades, Part One