The Missing Period in Cantonese Cinema (1949-1969)

Displaying results 1 - 50 of 176
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
七劍十三俠 (五集) Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords, Part Five
七劍十三俠 (六集) Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords, Part Five
亂世英雄 A Hero of Troubled Times
五福臨門 Five Blessings in a Row
五鼠鬧東京 (三集) Five Rascals in the Eastern Capital, Part Three
井底冤魂 The Misguided Spirit in the Well
人海萬花筒 Kaleidoscope
俠盜情花 The Girl and the Chivalrous Bandit
俠盜黑海棠 A Chivalrous Bandit
兒心碎母心 The Children Who Broke Their Mother's Heart
六渡何仙姑 Six Attempts to Immortalise the Goddess of Lotus
冷落斷腸花 Sorrows of a Neglected Wife
凌霄孤雁 Bird on the Wing
劈山救母 Breaking Open the Mountain to Rescue Mother
劫後孤兒 The War Baby
千古女兒千古恨 Unconquerable Devotion
千里送鵝毛 A Small Gift from Afar
南海漁歌 Fishermen's Song of the South Sea
古寺殭屍 Walking Corpse of an Old Temple
哪吒三戲六耳猴 How Nazha Thrice Tricked the Six- Eared Monkey
哪吒大戰紅孩兒 The Battle between Nazha and the Red Kid
夜半鐘聲 Midnight Bells
大俠柳樹春 Lau Shu-chun, the Famous Hero
大刀王五血戰小霸王 The Bloody Fight between Big Blade Wong Fifth and the Invincible Kid
大擺烏龍陣 A Host of Blunders
大獨裁者 The Great Dictator
大破銅網陣 Solving the Copper- Netted Trap
天涯何處再相逢 Where Shall We Meet Again?
天涯歌女 South Sea Songstress
天魔女三戲濟顛 How Demon Girl Thrice Tricked Monk Chai Din
天魔女大戰牛魔王 The Battle between Demon Girl and Ox Devil
奇俠雌雄劍 (上集) Strange Hero of the Dual Swords, Part One
女三劍俠 Three Girl Musketeers
女俠胭脂虎 A Brave Heroine Called Rouge Tigress
妬潮 Tides of Jealousy
妻多夫賤 Too Many Wives Ruin the Husband
孤鳳啼痕 Sad Song of an Orphan Girl
宋江怒殺閻婆惜 How Sung Kong Slew Yim Po-sik
家和萬事興 A Happy Family Means Wealth
封神榜之一:大破黃河陣 Three Lady Hermits
小羅賓漢 Robin Hood, Junior
少林七俠五探峨嵋山 (上集) Seven Shaolin Heroes' Five Ventures into Mount Emei, Part One
少林七俠五探峨嵋山 (下集) Seven Shaolin Heroes' Five Ventures into Mount Emei, Part Two
峨嵋飛劍俠 (上集) The Flying Sword Hero from Mount Emei, Part One
峨嵋飛劍俠 (下集) The Flying Sword Hero from Mount Emei, Part Two
峨嵋飛劍俠 大破青螺谷 The Flying Swordsmen of Emei Wins the Battle in Green Snails Valley
峨嵋鴛鴦劍 Two Swordsmen from Mount Emei
崑崙女俠夜探摩天嶺 The Heroine from Kunlun Spies on Mo Tin Peak at Night
崑崙女俠血戰燕子盜 The Battle between the Heroines from Kunlun and the Swallow Thief
年晚錢 The End of the Year Means Money