The Golden Age in Hong Kong Cinema (1970-1997)

Displaying results 1 - 50 of 50
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
提防小手 Carry On Pickpocket
君子好逑 The Other Side of Gentleman
大小不良 Double Trouble
靈氣迫人 The Occupant
上海之夜 Shanghai Blues
法外情 The Unwritten Law
靚妹仔第三集之午夜麗人 Midnight Girls
魔翡翠 Magic Crystal
七年之癢 Seven Years Itch
天賜良緣 Sister Cupid
猛鬼差館 The Haunted Cop Shop
標錯參 To Err is Humane
旺角卡門 As Tears Go by
長短腳之戀 Fractured Follies
女子監獄 Women's Prison
鬼掹腳 Spooky, Spooky, Spooky
黑太陽731 Man behind the Sun
猛鬼大廈 Operation Pink Squad II
一眉道人 Vampire vs Vampire
轟天龍虎會 China White
八両金 Eight Tales of Gold
再戰江湖 Return Engagement
廟街皇后 Queen of Temple Street
聊齋艷譚 Erotic Ghost Story
開心鬼救開心鬼 Happy Ghost IV
摩登如來神掌 Kung Fu vs Acrobatic
川島芳子 Kawashima Yoshiko
紅場飛龍 The Dragon from Russia
聊齋艷譚續集五通神 Erotic Ghost Story II
五虎將之決裂 The Tigers
黑貓 Black Cat
逃學英雄傳 Truant Heroes
嘩!英雄 What a Hero!
大迷信 The Supernormal
表姐, 妳好嘢! III 之大人駕到 Her Fatal Way III
戰神傳說 The Moon Warriors
東方不敗風雲再起 The East is Red
香港奇案之強姦 Raped By An Angel
黃飛鴻之四王者之風 Once upon a Time in China IV
追男仔 Boys are Easy
飛虎雄心 The Final Option
中南海保鑣 The Bodyguard from Beijing
醉生夢死之灣仔之虎 The Tragic Fantasy - "Tiger of Wanchai"
鼠膽龍威 High Risk
浪漫風暴 Somebody Up There Likes Me
運財至叻星 Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Star
四個32A和一個香蕉少年 Those Were the Days
色情男女 Viva Erotica
神偷諜影 Downtown Torpedoes
百分百感覺II FEEL 100 % II