The Missing Period in Cantonese Cinema (1949-1969)

Displaying results 1 - 50 of 83
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
一劍九連環 A Sword and Nine Rings, Part One
一見鍾情 Love at First Sight
一點靈犀化彩虹 Happy Ending
三王嫁二喬 The Marriages of the Two Princesses
九九九我是兇手 Spontaneous Confession
二龍爭珠 Two Dragons Chase After a Pearl
佳人有約 The Rendezvous
假正經 The Prude
做人新抱甚艱難 The Difficulties of Being a Daughter-in-Law
傻大姐 Funny Girl
兒女私情 Intimate Love
冷暖親情 (上集) Parent's Love, Part One
冷暖親情 (下集) Parent's Love, Part Two
十萬童屍 Massacre of the Innocents
卿本佳人 Pretty Woman
唔嫁 She Says "No" to Marriage
唔嫁又嫁 She Said "No" to Marriage but Now She Says "Yes
多情燕子歸 Homeward the Swallow Flies
大地回春 Spring Returns
大明忠烈傳 Martyrs of Ming
大話夾好彩 Believe It or Not, It's a Stroke of Luck
大鄉里少爺 Mr Country Bumpkin
天降財神 Heaven-Sent Fortune
女大女世界 The Independent Daughter
女黑俠 Heroine in Black
妻賢子孝母含冤 The False Accusation of Mother
媽姐淚 The Maidservant's Sad Tale
嬲緣 The Mismatched Marriage
孤鳳淚 Tears of Isolated Phoenix
弄假成真 When Pretence Becomes Reality
恨不相逢未嫁時 If Only We'd Met When I Was Single
恩恩愛愛 A Couple in Love
意中人 Darling
打破玉籠飛彩鳳 The Phoenix's Escape
拜錯石榴裙 Misjudged Courtship
捷足先得 First Come, First Served
摩登新娘 Bride à la Mode
文姬歸漢 Man-kei's Return to the Han people
新毒玫瑰 The Rose
日月重光 The Sun and the Moon Shine Again
月媚花嬌 Charming Night
有女萬事足 Now That I've Got a Daughter, Everything's O.K.
歌唱倫文敘 Musical Lun Man-chui
洛神 The Nymph of the River Lo
淚娉婷 (上集) Beauty in Tears, Part One
淚娉婷 (下集) Beauty in Tears, Part Two
滴滴慈母淚 A Mother's Tears
為情顛倒 Lovesick
烽火戲諸侯 Tricking the Lords with Beacon Fires
狄青三取珍珠旗 How Tik Ching Thrice Seized The Pearl Flag