The Golden Age in Hong Kong Cinema (1970-1997)

Displaying results 1 - 50 of 54
Film Title 影片名稱 首映日期 First Released Search Results
123 Do-Re-Me
佛掌羅漢拳 The Buddhist Fist
兵來賊擋 One Step Ahead
名劍 The Sword
喝采 Encore
地獄無門 We're Going to Eat You
夜車 The Happenings
天堂夢 The Way to Hell
少林搭棚大師 Return to the 36th Chamber
山狗 The Beasts
師弟出馬 The Young Master
師爸 See-Bar
情劫 Innocence
慘痛的戰爭 Rising Sun
慾火焚琴 House of the lute
打蛇 Lost Souls
扮嘢 Joy to The World
插翅難飛 The Convict Killer
搏紮 The Killer in White
摩登土佬 Disco Bumpkins
撞到正 The Spooky Bunch
救世者 The Saviour
有你無你 No Big Deal
泰山屠龍 To Kill the Big Villain in Mt. Tai
滑稽時代 Laughing Time
甩牙老虎 Two Toothless Tigers
瘋狂大老千 Crazy Crooks
碟仙 Haunted Tales
碧水寒山奪命金 The Enigmatic Case
籠裏雞 The Desperados
籠裡雞 The Desperados
英雄 Heroes
萬人斬 Killer Constable
蛇貓鶴混形拳 Lackey and the Lady Tiger
衝破 Struggle to Survive
誓不兩立 Duel of Death
識英雄重英雄 Two on the Road
賊賍 The Loot
身不由己 The Victim
通天老虎 The Master Strikes
連城訣 A Deadly Secret
邪 Hex
邪鬥邪 Hex vs Witchcraft
金手指 The Informer
錢作怪 From Riches to Rags
錫晒你 Our Darling Coach
錯有錯著 Two Wrongs Make a Right
阿燦正傳 The Story of a Refugee
阿福與土佬 The Luckiest Trio
隻手遮天 Absolute Monarch